6 foods that can help improve prostate health
As per estimates, around 12.5 percent of our country’s men have prostate cancer, making it the most common cancer among males. Therefore, it is crucial to follow good habits that promote prostate health. Doctors suggest that a nutritious food plan can keep the prostate gland healthy. It is crucial to eliminate high-fat and sugary foods from the meals and include those abundant in minerals and vitamins. The following are some foods that improve prostate health: Tomatoes Tomatoes are among the few fruits that contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. This antioxidant decreases cell damage and helps stop cancer cell production. Unsurprisingly then, researchers have found evidence that meals rich in lycopene reduces the risk associated with prostate cancer. Since lycopene is tightly bound to the tomato cell walls, the best way to eat the fruit is cooked or pureed. One should include sun-dried tomatoes, tomato juice, and tomato sauce in the meals at least every other day for the best benefits. Individuals can stock up on fresh tomatoes in summer and sun-dried or canned ones for the winter. Green tea Green tea is called a superfood because of its many health benefits. As a result, several multivitamin chewable capsules on the market consist of green tea extract.